Mighty russian

Mighty Russian is a free online platform for anyone in the world who wants to learn Russian. It was created by the teacher Anastasiya Lazzaretti, a native Russian speaker, whose goal is to produce free high-quality content for Russian learners.  

Anastasiya spent years teaching herself foreign languages and the free high-quality content available on the internet to learn these languages made her journey much easier. 

In this journey, Anastasiya met many people from different parts of the world who were studying Russian and needed help. As she helped these people, she noticed that there weren’t enough online resources for learning Russian.

That made her create her own platform that would enable Russian learners to have the most enjoyable experience in their language learning  journey.

So far, Mighty Russian offers:

1 – Lessons on the most complex topics of the Russian language.

2 – Videos for listening practice and vocabulary gain.

3 – Free study material and exercises to complement the lessons.

New content is added on a weekly basis. We really hope that our platform will be helpful for you.